Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Zoo Day

Today was in the 80's (yep, Lynne...we experienced some FL weather). Right after the kids got up we headed to the zoo. This ended up being the most brilliant idea I've had all week because after we were done around noon, we passed all the chaos of cars and people just arriving.

Mason had a great time. Addie, well she just likes the front carrier so she was happy. She actually checked out some of the animals too. It was funny to see her expressions. I really pondered about what her little brain was thinking...

Here's Mason at the 'let's contract some exotic disease' petting zoo. He loved it of course, but we sure did hit up the hand santizer afterward!!!! He was super excited about the goats because my mom bought him a few of the early readers "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?". In one of the books, it says "Mountain Goat, Mountain Goat what do you see?". So when he saw the goat it was only natural that he asked it what he saw. So here's Mason asking the goat...

As a teacher I learned that there is very little I can control. As a parent, that lesson has only been magnified! So, here's me smiling at the camera and my children doing whatever they wanted.
Mason took a little tumbled down a ramp and scraped his knee. His boo-boo was quite the fascination at random moments. So here's Mason showing me his boo-boo for the hundredth time.

Mason with 'his' elephant.

Time to go...
My mom was smart and brought a sucker to lure him away.
He was so tuckered out that we didn't even pull out of the parking lot before he fell asleep. Same with little Addie.


  1. HA! I'm glad you were loving the weather~sunny days are pretty hard to beat, huh?!
    Your babies are gorgeous and hilarious and precious and growing so fast! Thanks for sharing Amanda, aka Super Mom!

    ps We have that stroller, too~love it!

  2. Lynne, I bought this stroller after your recommendation on your family website.

    P.S. You are SUPER-MOM!
