Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Afternoon Fun

Since we have enjoyed such gorgeous weather it's hard to NOT live outside. We spent the morning at the zoo (see below), and after naps we headed back outside. Addie is so content outdoors. She'll lay and roll and play forever. She's also getting very strong. It's so funny to see her start to move around when she's so tiny. She's the littlest one in the church nursery, but boy is she fiesty.

Mason's been getting into some trouble with trying to pick up his sister. He'll also lay on her and roll her over and over and over again. It's kind of hard to explain to him that this is not okay, especially when Addie laughs at him. However, she got her revenge today. Mason came over to lay on her blanket this afternoon and she rolled over to her side and started attacking him. She laughed and laughed. Mason thought it was funny too. He kept saying, "Mama, Addison get me." (sorry the picture is so dark).
I love that they love each other.


  1. Just WAIT until she gets a good fist-full of that hair! he he he

  2. Aw, this just makes me so excited to see how Lola and her new baby brother will interact once he arrives in May. So cute! I love the pic that shows off how different their coloring is, but how you can definitely tell they're bro & sis.

  3. Mason is only working on toughening her up so he can play football with her. They are quite the cute sibling pair.
