Sunday, March 8, 2009

He Likes Toes...

We had such a great weekend together as a family. It doesn't hurt that it was absolutely beautiful outside. Most of our time was spent outdoors...just the way I like it!

It's hard to believe that little Addie will be 5 months old. Time went by fast with Mason, but it is flying with Addie. It seems like she was just my little teeny weeny yesterday. She's still small, but doing BIG things!

Mason and Addie are still the best of buds and we pray it will stay that way! She's really entertained by him. As soon as she gets a glimpse of her brother she lights up. I love the picture below because of their contrasting hair, but yet they look alike.
Here's my big man rock climbing at the park. He did it all by himself without Steven or me showing him what to do. He is learning things so fast. We have been working on ABC's and counting. Just yesterday he shocked all of us by counting all the way to 16 without making a mistake. I didn't even think he paid attention when we count things...I thought wrong!
Now for the title of the post. Mason is a little interested in toes. It cracks me up because he'll smell toes and then say "shoo-wee" and fan his nose. Quite the little comedian!


  1. What a cute picture of Addie and Mason! They do look a lot alike! That is great that Mason can coun't all the way to 16!! Way to go Mason!

  2. SUCH a cute shot of the 2 of them together! He seems like a wonderful big brother to her!

  3. are you serious? 16? will says, "1, 2, 4" and then stops. i am impressed!!!!

  4. Jackie, Mason went from one, twooo, all of a sudden counting to 16. I had no idea that he could even do it. He's also all of a sudden said, "Daddy, you fart?". So I'm now realizing the importance of watching what we say around little ears.

  5. will's new thing is calling steven "steven" all the time and not daddy. i guess he gets used to hearing me call him that. he does it ALL the time. at first it was funny and now steven just wants him to call him daddy again:)
