Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

Saturday it snowed and it snowed and it snowed. Oklahoma weather is always interesting, but snow in late March rarely happens. However, we were excited to play with Mase outside for his first outdoor snow experience. Poor thing has always had to be indoors during snow either because he's been sick or I was home alone with Mase and Addie. He had a lot of fun, but he wanted to dot the same things he does on nice weather days...ride his trike and push his car. He did however help out with the snowman.

Working on Mr. Snow

Riding his trike in the snow. He got pretty frustrated when the tires would get snow collected on them and he couldn't go forward anymore.

Pushing his car. You can pretty much see him do this anytime he's outside. I don't really get the fascination of pushing an empty car, but he'll do it all day if you let him...up and down the sidewalk...never tiring...never stopping. I guess I should be happy for his perseverance.

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