Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Major Boo-Boo

The Friday before Spring Break was over Mason was laying on the counter and I told him to get down. Well, he did a nice little barrel roll off the counter, hit the bar stool, and landed face down on the floor. Scared me to death. I was literally two feet away from him, but the way he fell I was unable to grab him before hitting the ground. When I picked him up to see if he was okay, I could see the blood dripping from his chin. I called Steven at work and he met us at Urgent Care. No stitches. Apparently they don't do stitches on little ones anymore. So he got some nice butterfly bandaids to hold the wound together. It's healed up pretty nicely for it being only a week, but today it got reopened. Mason was playing with his cars and fell forward AGAIN. Yep, right on the same spot. At least we know what to do now. All I can say is he is a trooper! Not many tears and super excited for an Elmo bandaid.
And here's a pic of Addie because she hasn't really received any love on the past two blogs. She is definitely more aware these days. So aware, she still doesn't sleep too well. Wakes up once at night around 3am and fights the naps. Mason sure did spoil us! So here's a rare photo of her sleeping on Daddy.


  1. AAH- it isn't spring break without a trip to minor emergency!! LOL Mine was on Tuesday and we got some Dermabond and glued it shut!! LOL When Maddie started screaming my heart stopped and she is 9! LOL

  2. Poor guy. We almost took the trip to Urgent Care this week with Eli. He put up the toilet seat to use the restroom and the lid came down and hit him in the eye. Luckily, I decided to do the butterfly bandaids at home...glad to know that is what they would have told me to do.

  3. He is going to be so proud of that picture one day...not too far away.

  4. Does Addie have a "Penny" doll too?!? I spied a look-alike in the pic of her and Steven. So sweet...
