Monday, February 9, 2009


Well, I have now entered a whole new realm of 'motherhood'. Today I experience the inevitable...I was puked on. Mase woke up this morning a little whiny, so I picked him up and that's all it took...projectile...on my clothes...already dressed for work...did I mention we had fried chicken for dinner? I know, disgusting.

Since Mase had the case of the vomits, he stayed home with Daddy. He's doing better. He had some toast for dinner (which never came back up), and loves the Gatorade! One thing about my Little Man though is he never acts sick. Prime example, he was playing with his trucks, puked, said "ew", and then back to playing.

I went ahead and took Addie to the sitter today because Mason can't keep his hands off of her. You should have seen him when I brought her home. He went straight for her to give her a kiss. Sad. He didn't understand why he couldn't. I've already told sister to get ready for the day he feels better. All of those kisses he's having to hold back are just going to build up to one big 'love fest'.

In hindsight, I should have taken Steven to the sitter because he now has the same as Mason. I tell ya people, it is not easy taking care of a sick little boy, a newborn, and a sick husband. I'll be looking for my Wife/Mommy of the Year Award once this passes.

In other news, Addie now rolls over both ways. She amazes me so much. She's such a little thing, but boy does she know how to scoot around. Now that she can roll, she's all over the place.

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