Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catching Up

Overwhelmed...tired...not enough hours in the day...

Those are just a few reasons why we haven't blogged lately. Since Addie just turned 4 months last weekend, I figured I'd better post something or my favorite Puerto Ricans (love you all) might start calling!

Addie is a whopping 11 lbs 10 oz. She hasn't even doubled her birth weight yet. I asked the dr. if we should be concerned with her size (she is tiny). He asked if I had met her mother. So I guess Addison gets the skinny part from me (or at least she did before I had 2 kids). He did however detect a heart murmur. We go to the hospital on Tuesday to have an ecogram (???) on her heart. We aren't concerned. My ob/gyn did an ultrasound every appointment. If she had a hole in her heart, he would have caught it early on. We believe this is something she will grow out of very soon, as most babies do.

Now on to her accomplishments. She is a master raspberry blower. She is a major ham. When she's ready for you to come get her from her crib, she'll cry. However, when she sees you she smiles this gigantic smile. PRECIOUS. She's also rolling over a lot. Makes it pretty hard to keep her on a blanket while she's playing.

Mason is doing quite well. We're taking a break from potty training. He'll go on the potty, but it's getting him to tell you he has to go that's the problem. At this point, he may not make it to kindergarten because he'll probably still poop in his pants. Seriously, the kid can have a gigantic load in his diaper and not even skip a beat. He doesn't care. He would rather play.
I'm thinking of sending him to a potty training boot camp!

Below is one of my favorite pictures of Mason and Steven. They look more and more alike everyday. I love it!
Addie at 4 months.
Even though she is tiny, she's stil grown so much!


  1. Nicholas will be 4 in March and I wonder the same thing is he going to be in Kindergarten and still pooping in his pants?! No really, I hope you have a much easier time with it than I've had. It's coming, slowly but surely!!

  2. I hear you about the pooping thing, he could care less. At least Mason will sit on the potty, Lincoln sits on it but only fully clothed, kinda pointless. Oh well, the more diapers the merrier!

  3. Addie is so cute, I can't believe that she is already 4 months old! Boy's will be boys when it comes to going in the potty! They would rather play then get out of that nasty diaper!! For Brody we set the timer and when it went off he would have to go to the bathroom and try to go pee pee, then he would get one M&M after he tried, and two if he went. It was the only way I could get him to go without a major melt down! :) Good luck!
