Saturday, February 7, 2009

Super Daddy, Glad I Don't have Twins, and Rolling Over

Sorry for the random pictures and stories all compiled into one, but being back at work makes for one CRAZY life!!!

Steven was home with the kids last Friday, and he got one more bonus kiddo. Lindsay had a job interview and brought Little Linc over for some playtime. I was quite impresses with my hubby. Not just any man could take care of three kids; two of which are 3 months old! He did a great job, but I do believe his words when I got home were, "I could NEVER do that again!" Oh well, at least he can say he's done it once. Below is the picture of how he handled them all...thank goodness for bouncy chairs...

We were also very blessed to be able to have our Butterball Nephew over for the weekend. He and Addie are just two weeks apart and he outweights her by 4lbs. I guess I'd rather him be the larger of the two. Something about having a monster sized girl just doesn't say...cutie pie :) We had a great time with the babies, but let me say I am so glad I don't have twins! WHEW...I don't know how Steven's parents survived them. The pic below shows a little tummy time. You can see Mase thought he needed some tummy time too. He's always has to be were the babies are.
Now for Addie's lastest achievement. She rolled over! Two mornings in a row I've found her on her back (she sleeps on her stomach). Since I never actually saw her roll over, I didn't count it. Well today when I put she and Linc on their tummies, she rolled over. So, now it counts...I saw it!

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