Monday, January 19, 2009


Transition #1
Yep, we did it! Mason has transitioned from his crib to his toddler bed. Steven has wanted to do this for a long time and I just wasn't ready for him to be able to get in and out of bed by himself with a new baby. He's been in his 'big boy bed' for a week now and done very well. On occasion he'll get up when we lay him down for nap and knock on the door, but we just lay him back down and he goes to sleep. It really is cute to see him with his pillow and blankies.

Transition #2
I go back to work tomorrow :( I really am looking forward to seeing my students again, but I am so devastated to leave my babies. It's hard knowing what you'll miss while you're at work. I will never trade in the time I've had with them at home for anything. One reassuring thought is after I complete this school year, Steven and I have decided that it is time for me to be a stay at home mom. Every year since Mason was born I've said, "This is my last year of teaching." However, I've always gone back. Even though I knew I'd miss Mason like crazy, I also knew when I got home from work we'd get to spend lots of one-on-one time together. With two...not so much! I am so looking forward to spending time with Mason and Addie until they're school age. For those of you who know me, there is NO WAY I could stay at home and have my kids at school, so I will reenter the world of teaching and pray things haven't changed that much...


  1. We'll pray for BOTH transitions to go/continue smoothly! What an awesome experience to look fwd. to after the end of this school year...congrats on getting to follow a passion of yours (and mine)! There's nothing like it! What a big boy! We're a/b to attempt the same thing in the next 2 wks. : 0

  2. Congrats on the decision to stay home. I know it was probably a hard one, but you'll never wish you had done it any differently once you're home full time with them! What precious babies!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. It was a tough decision to make, but ultimately I love my kids more than my job. Teaching will always be there.

    Lindsey, good luck with the transition!
