Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Precious Love

When Steven and I found out we were having a girl I must admit I was a little upset. Not that I didn't want to have a girl eventually, but I wanted another boy since they kids would be so close in age. I thought that Mason would never be as close to his sister as he would a brother, but I was completley wrong. Mason couldn't be a better brother to Addison. Here's a perfect example, I was taking some pics of Addison in natural light (thanks Ashley for the tips, but I am so bad at photography!), and Mason wanted to be near her. He first took off his shirt (to be like her), laid down next to her, and held her hand. I thought it was so sweet. He always does stuff like that with her. Such a precious love he has for his sister.
Here's my only picture that turned out somewhat decent...

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