Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ice, Ice, Baby

Yep, iced in...again. So much for Global Warming. Anyways, here's some new pics of my babies.

Mason doesn't let a day go by without giving Addie some kisses.

My little man a little bored.

Just a few little tidbits on what the kids are doing....
MASE-Loves to hug on his sister. Is completely obsessed with the movie "Cars" (it's pretty bad when you find yourself repeating the movie in your daily conversations). He started to pretend sleep when he doesn't want to do something. Prime example:
Mommy: "Mason, come here and let me wash off your hands."
Mason: (Closes his eyes and snores)
Mommy: "Mase, your not sleeping. Get over here."
Mason: (yells) "I'm night-night momma!"
ADDIE-She is doing SO much better sleeping! Thank the LORD! She's going to bed at 8ish and wakes up at 6ish to eat, then back to bed for another couple of hours. Recently she started blowing raspberries. I remember Mason doing this, but I have to say she finds herself way more amusing than Mason ever thought he was. She is such a ham!


  1. They are so cute and I still can't get over the blond and the brunette, love it. It's amazing the things they come up with to get out of doing things. Lincoln likes to say that everything hurts or "it be heavy".

  2. Maybe we shouldn't get our todds together for fear they will teach each other their excuses!

  3. What a cutie!! My daughter has dark brown hair and youngest son is a blonde- it cracks me up how they look so much alike a different at the same time!! They are just adorable!!
