Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Weather Outside is...AWESOME!

We have been spoiled by two beautiful days. It was so nice to play outside again. Mason's been a little cheated with his outside time because it's been too cold to take Little Miss out. Once the nice weather hit we took full advantage of it. Mason had really missed his 4-wheeler (You'll have to excuse his '80's Brat Pack' hair. Steven used the blow dryer the night before and I didn't feel the need to fix it).

Even Addie enjoyed napping outside while Mase and I played. I think she was dreaming about a day without her brother poking her in the eye...keep dreamin' sister!

Just a few bath time shots...

Now, I know some of you are anxiously awaiting our Christmas photos (insert sarcasm here), but you'll have to wait. Rene and Lindsay bought this new fancy-smancy camera and all the pics are on there. Some of you might even be interested to know that we will be opening the Torres & Torres Modeling Co. Our portfolio pics will be available shortly. So check back soon to see them all!


  1. I can't believe how different they look! I think that we would like to sign Lincoln up as a male model, too!

  2. I had to say I was laughing out loud when I read your note on the previous post about 'a future at Shoguns'. I love that restaurant and you were so on. I actually was in bed later thinking about it again and laughing. It cracked me up. I think you have to be a big Shoguns fan to truly appreciate that!
