Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stranger Than Fiction

Mason + Potty Training=Disasterous

Yep...still working on the potty-training. He's doing pretty well, but only when I remind him to go. So we did our normal rountine which consists of taking his diaper off immediately after breakfast. He didn't want to go so he ran off to our bedroom. I made a mad dash to get him and bring him back into the livingroom (the potty is now in our livingroom b/c he'll actually sit there while he watches "Cars"). Later on I went back to our room to open the blinds and I smelled that electrical burning smell. I freaked out thinking something was about to catch fire. I looked down at all our cords and saw a wet spot on the modem. You got it...Mason peed on it. Needless to say, he shorted it out. When I called Cox to explain why I needed a new modem, the guy cracked up and started to tell the person next to him.

Seriously, I couldn't make this stuff up. Mason always makes life interesting. The best part was after I explained to him that we don't pee on modems just on potties, he left to get his Handy Manny Toolbox to 'fix' the problem. At least he saw the need to fix a problem....

On a happier note, Mason did put his poo-poos in the potty yesterday! I never thought I would be so excited about poo. I called Steven at work, my mom, and Rene to tell them the good news. Then took a pic of his first poos...won't be posting that pic :)


  1. I have heard and experienced a lot of potty training stories and that is by far one of the funniest!

  2. Wow, poo poo in the potty. Nicholas will be four in March and he still hasn't mastered that!!!

  3. That is hilarious!! I am proud that he is actually using the potty. Lincoln still just sits on it and pretends to be and says "I potty" and then gets up and leaves (mind you he is fully clothed the whole time).

  4. first, that's hilarious! guess he was marking his territory!

    next, I have to tell you that you're not the only one I know that's taken a picture of the lil one's first poo in the potty. IIIIIII didn't do it, but maybe you two gals could get together and scrapbook or something. I'm just sayin'.

    last, the public pee-pee is the next frontier! yeah!

    love ya!
