Thursday, December 18, 2008

2 Months and 2 Long in the Crib

Addison Elisabeth @ 2 months
Weight 10lbs
Length 21 3/4 inches
Mommy wishes she would sleep longer at night, but she is oh so cute!
Addison and Mommy ready for church.
The best part of having a girl...the BIG bows!

Now a little of Mason...
Last weekend I was desperate to finish wrapping the gifts and both kids were sleeping. I was almost finished when I heard Mason start calling my name to come get him (he's still in his crib, and I plan to keep it that way until he crawls out...or until he's 5 j/k). I went ahead and finished and then went to get him. He must have been extremely bored because this is what he looked like once I got him out.
We have been working on how to get dressed and undressed. He must have thought it was as good of time as any to practice.

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute, I love all her hair! Maybe Mason was going for that off the shoulder 80's look.
