Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lincoln and Addison

Rene and Lindsay brought Lincoln over last night. He's still way bigger than Addison. Today Lincoln turns 1 week and Addison turns 3 weeks. We are so grateful to have such healthy babies, and can't wait to see how they get along in the future.

Mason was quite funny with the babies last night. He couldn't decide which baby to kiss first. He did however give each baby equal amounts of kisses. If Linc got one, so did Addie. I'm wondering when all the 'love' will fade, but I'm so enjoying it right now.


  1. Beautiful babies!! All of my neices stair step my kids and each one has a buddy during Holidays! It's starting to change though now that my boys are more interested in Transformers and StarWars, and they want to play princesses and weddings- it doesn't go over so well!! LOL It is a blast though

  2. so cute. I was showing Landry earlier and she said, "ooooooh, is that Jasmine's (wallace) little brother?" He definitely looks darker than Addison, but she sure is cute!

  3. Precious! It will be fun for you guys (the daddies especially) to watch the little one's grow up together! Both are perfect!!
