Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mason Turned TWO!

Mason turned two on November 6, 2008. I can honestly say that I cannot believe my baby boy is TWO! He is getting so big so fast. On his actual birthday my dad and his wife came over and brounght Mason a really cool train set and a magnetic doodle board. He loves them both! Then we went to my mom's for dinner. Mason really enjoyed blowing out his candles as you can see...

This year for his party we decided to have only family for two reasons...1. Mason freaked at all the people at his 1st birthday party and 2. We have 2 new babies in the family. Anyway, below are some pictures of Mason actually enjoying his 2nd birthday party. Funny how his 1st party, I spent tons of money and time planning the perfect party and all he did was cry. This year, very little preparation and little money spent and he has a blast...lesson learned!

Mason and his 2nd cousin Xavier. I laugh at this picture because they don't even looked related.
Mason checking out his new adjustable waisted jeans.

One of his presents from mommy and daddy. He LOVED the tricycle. He wouldn't get off of it to blow out his candle so Steven had to pick him up with him sitting on the tricycle just so we could get the cake part over and serve it to our guests.

Yummy cake that stained his face.
I told you he loves it. After bathtime he went straight to it and did some naked riding. I'm pretty sure this is what we'll be doing all day tomorrow. At least until he discovers the t-ball set...


  1. Boy is that last picture blackmail for later or what?! How fun! Hope his party was fun and calm for all without all of the crying this yr. : ) Hope you're getting some rest!

  2. Naked riding! HA. I could say something really nasty here, but I will digress.
    Super cute, I love the last 4 posts, I had to catch up on my Torres Tidbits.

  3. I can't believe Mason is 2!! Sounds like he had a wonderful birthday party. Cute pics!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Mason! Our baby boys are growing up way too fast. Don't forget to sanitize that trike seat :)

  5. Bopha, you and I are so similar...I already took care of the seat! The naughty part of me wanted to take a front view pic of him on the trike...that was the extremely funny part! All of his business just squished up on the seat. I don't know how boys do it with all that junk.

  6. love to see how much he can take in his tight little boip---y
