Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

You know your child is spoiled when they have two costumes to choose from. Since it was so stinkin' hot outside, we put him in the Scooby-Doo costume. However, someone refused to wear the hat part that actually made him look like a dog...OH WELL! Not a battle I was ready to fight.
The costume I loved...he looked so cute as a chicken.
The pictures below are from Trunk or Treat at my mom's church. They had all kinds of games and activities for kids to do. It was perfect for kids his age. We had a great time, and Mason was not shy about choosing candy. I thought it was funny because how he knew that he was getting candy, I'll never figure out. They ONLY time he has ever received candy in his short little life was from the haircut place, and that's a sucker (it's the only way to get him to sit still)! At one point he reached his little hand into his pumpkin and was gnawing on a crunch bar with the wrapper still on. I guess he thought he'd eat it before mom took it away! Poor guy.

Besides candy they also had popcorn. It was a BIG hit with the little man.

Not that I'm bragging (okay, I am), but Mason was the only little kid who was able to make the ball go into a ring. Not only did he make it in, he got it in the next to the last one. He must get his athletic ability from his mommy!

Picking out his own candy!

Grammy B. helping him fish for a prize.

As you can see Mason had so much fun he didn't want to leave. I'm sure one of these days this pic will be priceless to me, but right now we see this face way too much!
In true newborn fashion, Addison slept through the whole entire event!


  1. He looks like he had a great time, what a fun age, lincoln's response to any question now is "candy?". By the way, you are looking great. Say hello to your mom for me too.

  2. Looks like you all had a fun time! Don't you just love the way newborns sleep!! If only it could last a little longer. :)

  3. Loving the 'hissy fit' picture of Mason! I laugh because I sympathize. I so completely sympathize.

  4. Looks like a blast! Our church is starting that next yr. and I can't wait. Glad that y'all got to spend some quality time w/ Mason that night and happy that Addison sleeps well too. Kennedy loved "candy" this Halloween if she ever gets it either. ??? Liking candy must be a basic instinct or something for them?! You look great Amanda!
