Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good News from the Dr.

Our 33 week appointment was this past week. Addison is still growing as scheduled. She's head down...very down that we couldn't get a picture of her face :( It's hard to believe that we're creeping so close to the end. With this pregnancy Steven and I are very ready for her to be born. With Mason we were nervous to see what it would be like to actually 'have' a baby and then bring one home. With Addison, we are ready for her to be born so we can get on with the family stuff!

Dr. Nilson was really happy with all of my blood sugars. As long as I continue to follow the diet, I don't have to take them anymore. YEAH for not having to make myself bleed!!!

Right now we are trying to get the last minute items for baby. We decided not to have a shower this go around since our children are so close in age. However, we have been so blessed. We've purchased very little clothing, because we have had so much given to us. We got her a new car seat today that is a lot newer than what we used for Mason. So...just a little more left to buy and we'll be ready for this little bundle of joy!


  1. what the old car seat wasn't good enough for addison? :) just kidding. I think there is a five year limit...

  2. How are going to love having a little girl to dress up. When Madison was born my mom and I literally changed her clothes a dozen times a day in the hospital just so we could see how cute she was in all her outfits. Needless to say, she had (and continues to have) more clothes than she ever needed. Can't wait to see that sweet baby girl!

  3. I'm so excited for you guys! I love babies :)

  4. Yea for you! That's great, encouraging news!
