Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beaver and His Buds

Mr. Beaver eating his apple at Ms. Melinda's house.
(I call him 'beaver' because he gnaws all the way around it.)
His Buds...
This is the small gang of kids at Ms. Melinda's. Mason loves playing with them. On this particular day he found his way to the bathroom and climbed in the tub to get a toy. All the others decided to climb in too. I'm so proud that my son has become the leader, but hopefully next time it will be to somewhere else...
Little side note, the little girl in the background that Mason is looking at is his girlfriend. He is quite fond of hugging and kissing her. If you ask him if he gives Graci kisses, he smiles and says, "NO", but don't let him fool you, HE DOES! Steven and I have accepted it though...she comes from good parents that we have known for a very long time. It's actually kind of cute. We can't leave Ms. Melinda's until they've had their chance to hug and kiss good-bye.

1 comment:

  1. I can't let Lola know Mason's got a GF. She thinks he's a cutie.
