Saturday, August 23, 2008

Like Mother, Like Son

One little flaw in my personality...I know, there aren't many (HA!) I have to watch my facial expressions towards other people. For some reason, whatever I'm thinking ends right up on my face. I've done a much better job at controlling it since I became a teacher, but still if you're wearing or doing something funky you're probably going to get a look. I'm not trying to be rude, they just pop up.

SO...Mason was coloring at the counter today while I was making his lunch and he didn't seem too happy with the way I was cooking his grilled cheese, because this was the face I got when I put it on his plate (yes, it is lunch time despite how dark it looks outside...mid-afternoon storm).
It is so funny to see how traits get passed down to your kids. My mom does this, I do it, and now Mason. Maybe Miss Addison will be spared...


  1. That is hilarious!!! He is so cute!! I love it!

  2. You are so funny. And yes, our kiddos pick up on all our traits, the bad with the good... Speaking of cheeks, I think I should be pinching his, hehe.

  3. That is a GREAT face...I love it!
