Sunday, September 14, 2008

34 Weeks and Eyewear

So this would be me 34 weeks preggo and already ready for Addison to be here. She is dropping lower and lower which makes me feel like she is falling out...major pressure all the time! I'm finally moving to the stage where when I sit on the floor, there better be something nearby to hoist me up. At school if I drop something, which happens frequently, I have about 5 kids jump up to get it (thank goodness for those kids), and I keep knocking them in the back of the head with my stomach as I walk by. They're getting used to it though! Other than that I really do feel great. Steven and I are trying to enjoy the last weeks with just Mason.
Now for Mr. Cool. Steven and I were installing Addison's car seat and trying to figure out which kid was going on what side of the car...amazingly, it took a lot of thought. During the process, we found Mason's sunglasses that have been missing since...hmmm....the day we bought them in May! Most of the day today he's had them on his face. I cracked up when I told him to smile for the camera because this is the face I got. He must really think he's cool!


  1. I was just thinking a/b you @ church tonight! You are entirely TOO beautiful for being 34 weeks along (or pregnant @ all for that matter), but you look great! She's quite the lil' basketball shape, huh? Glad to hear that everything is going so well & that Mason is "coming into his own" as a little stud now. : ) Ha! Enjoy your time w/ him alone!

  2. You look great for being on the verge of birthing! Oh how I miss a pregnant tummy... :)

  3. very cute, and love the hair. you look great, i can't imagine how excited you're getting.
