Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have a student in my class this year whose dad works for Mazzio's. Apparenly, he was in charge of the starting a new chain for the company and he came up with OLIVETTO. So for a first week of school present, she brought me an invitation for four to come and have a complimentary lunch (I guess there are some perks to teaching). Let me say it was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! It's kind of an upscale Panera meets a trendy Italian Bistro. You should definitely add it to your list if you are an Italian fan, or better yet...stay away so there's always a table available for me!


  1. I've been waiting for that to open! I'm so glad to hear it was tasty. KJ's favorite type of food is Italian, so now we have a new place to check out -- whenever we have a chance to go on a date again :)

  2. It sounds yummy, where is it at? I haven't heard of it yet.

  3. It's at 91st and Memorial, facing Memorial Dr. You should definitely check it out. Prices are great and the portions are surprisingly large.
