Friday, August 15, 2008

Devilish Dietitians and a Wacky Work Week

Well, went to the dietitian on Tuesday. As far as the diet goes, it's not that bad. I do have to cut out the night time 'treats' and some carbs, but for the most part we already eat like they suggest. Here's the devilish part. The dietitian I was assigned is from the devil and there's no convincing otherwise. She basically went on her soapbox that I would more than likely develop Type II diabetes when I'm older, and so will Steven since he's Hispanic. Then she went on and on about having our children tested and likelihood that they too will develop diabetes. Again, she's of the devil. Steven and I are choosing to not hear her negativity since we know our God is not the author of sickness and disease!

Now, on to my first full work week (insert swollen ankles and exhaustion here). Everything has gone pretty smoothly. Mason has transitioned smoothly back to the life of waking up early, even though Mommy has not. He has also done beautifully being away from me all day. My students are pretty sweet, and I've got just a few stinkers in the mix, but they'll be just fine once they've had a chance to test the waters. The best part of my day though is getting Mason after school. Most days I get a gigantic hug and kiss, but other days he's too busy playing to actually shell out some love...BOYS! I don't really have any new pics since we've been so busy (we've had company all week), but I promise to take some this weekend and post them...I do however have one my mom just sent me. This is Mason playing in her backyard. Well, I guess I should say, "Taking a breather in her backyard."


  1. I've missed your posts! I'm so glad to read you're back :)

  2. Yep, I really wanted to say 'thang' but since this blog is mostly read by my family and the adoption community, I thought otherwise... : )
    Love the beast pic- you are so funny.
    Hope the first week went well.
    See you soon sister

  3. Sounds like you got the devil woman I got!!!!! And Mason is cuter than ever!
