Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Master Climber

If you have a toddler, you know that when it gets quiet you go looking. Yesterday I was cooking dinner and realized it was dead silent in the house. So I went searching. After calling and calling his name, Mason finally answered me and I found him in the bathroom...sink that is. He had gotten on his step stool, wedged his little toes on the cabinet doors, and climbed his little body in there. He was tremendously proud of himself. I have to say, I was proud too.

Earlier in the day, when he was at his babysitters, he learned how to climb out of his porta crib. I sure hope this is not a sign of him climbing out of his regular crib because I am NOT ready for him to decide when he gets up and around in the morning!

(I do promise to get some new pictures on here soon because I know I like to look at everyone else's!)


  1. That is so funny how they always get quiet when they are up to no good!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. tell you what, they are two of a kind. We found Lincoln in the same predicament at my mom's house, in the bathroom sink with the water on!

  4. You are so right: Silence with a toddler out of sight is not good! LOL Silence in plain sight is sometimes not good for that matter!
