Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not So Good News...

I got a call from the nurse at Dr. Nilson's office and I did not pass the 2nd glucose test. So they have diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. I go on Tuesday to a nutritionist to set up a meal plan and get a glucometer. I'll have to take my blood sugar four times a day to make sure it's okay. I'm not so worried about the diet part since we eat pretty healthy already, but I'm very frustrated and upset that this is even happening. Of course, everything I've read freaks me out even more. Steven has banned me from reading anymore info over the internet...probably smart. To be honest, eating anything right now freaks me out and Tuesday seems so far away. So I'm just asking for you guys to pray over Addison's health. That she would continue to grow normally, and I would be able to manage my blood sugar levels through regular diet and exercise. As long as I can do that, everything will be just fine!


  1. Well good for Steven for not letting you read WILL freak you just stop! I cannot tell you will be OK!! I PROMISE! I've been through it twice...and lil' Miss Addison is going to be fine and so are you :) Pricking yourself will not be fun, but its nothing big. You can do that, pee on ketone sticks in the morning, follow that diet (even when you don't feel like eating and you feel like you are going to explode from eating so much-ha!) ....and in not so long have your perfect little Addison in your arms! Call or email me ANYTIME you have questions and I'll just bombard you with more pics of the girls so you have proof that its not all like what you read on the stupid internet!!!!

  2. Addison's going to be perfect, so don't let yourself worry! Quit reading! It's so easy to overread and all it does is make us nuts.

    However, if you just insist on reading, check out Philippians 4:6-7 and see what it has to say. :)

    That became one of the verses I claimed for myself while I was pregnant. I, too, read way too much and worried about everything. I love the part where it says that peace will "guard your minds" bc that's really where the battles go on when you're on pregnancy information overload.

    Y'all are going to be just fine!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Consider it a minor setback. I know that everything will be fine and she will be here before you know it, beautiful and healthy. In the meantime, I will keep you two in my prayers.

  5. I will definitely keep you and baby Addison in my prayers!

  6. Stop reading the internet!! They always put the most dramatic first and you don't need that!! LOL Your sweet girl in our prayers!! I am praying for you too!

  7. I'll be praying that you will have a wonderful peace throughout the remainder of your pregnancy as well as a miraculous hope that it could become irrelevant once the pregnancy period is over. SO common these days, but we'll lift you up in prayer in our household. Take care of yourself!
