Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We Have Pee-Pee in our Potty!

After many hours of sitting on the potty this summer, Mason finally let it go! He was so excited. I think he said pee-pee about hundred times and then got to call Daddy. He is still no where near being potty trained, but it's a start!


  1. Oh, we are on the same potty train...yuck. I am not very good at being consitant but this week I let Eli run around naked and he actually asked to go to the potty without prompting. It was amazing. Yes we moved just last year, we weren't planning this move, but it just sort of worked out that way. Hopefully I will post some pictures soon.

  2. Woo-Hoo! That is awesome. I hope you find some great tricks and give me some tips next summer. See you soon.

  3. Have you made up a pee pee song and dance yet? You will.. LOL I did an amazing dance when my boys pee peed in the potty!! LOL

  4. Elizabeth, I have no real eye opening tips or suggestions. I simply starting putting him on the potty every once in a while so he could get used to it. Then eventually we started going at regular times during the day. I'm not lying when I say we have spent hours on the potty before he let it rip.

    Sarah, teach me your song! We have very tiny bathrooms and having a 21 month old on a potty and enormously huge preggo women close by, made for a very awkward dance show. I'm not sure if I scared him or if he was wishing for me to never do that again...lol!

  5. LOL- We used the Dora the Explorer song- ya know- We did it we did it yea and we added words to the verses like "You sat on the potty and you went to the bathroom yea you did it, you did it, you did it YEA!! I am almost crying from laughing so hard trying to type that! LOL Who knew all that music training would lead to getting a 2 yr old to dance after they pottyed?!!

  6. Congratulations! now he can't put the seat on his head or maybe he still will anyways!

  7. Way to go Mason!

    Potty training is something I am NOT looking forward to since having a baby boy. I may need some pointers in a couple of years.

  8. I wish I could just snap my fingers and potty training would be done. Lola's barely one, but I'm already dreading it! Congrats to Mason!!! (And you, too!)

  9. Way to go! We are in the process with Hudson...I started too early with Corbett and it was not fun. I hear girls are much easier, but I sure can't testify to that.

  10. YAY!!! Thats awesome!!!! I know it can be slow when you don't want it to be but you have a start!!!! I almost had Ellee PT'd and then I had Preslee...and BOOM it was total reversal! So when she turned 3 I had Dr. Sood tell her that big girls went potty in the potty and diapers were for stinky little babies.....she told her she'd give her a treat when she was done with diapers and and it did the trick...in 2 days totally pt'd!! Good luck!!
