Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Camera is Home...

Camera made it home this past weekend, and I have to say I'm a little envious of its journeys! The pictures from the Turks and Caicos are nothing short of AMAZING! Rene and Lindsay had a wonderful time on their 'babymoon' and they're getting down to business to prepare for Little Lincoln. We are so excited to meet him.

*NOTE* this is an actual picture from their trip...I just want to jump in!

Now that you've seen the beauty of this blog, it's time for the BEAST...

I'm just now at 29 weeks and went to my appointment yesterday. Addison is finally in launch position and will make her debut whenever she darn well pleases. We finally got a great ultrasound of her face and it is amazing to see how much her features look like Mason's (now we'll have to wait on the coloring). Dr. Nilson says she's growing fine and still measuring large. I'm hoping this means she's coming early and not that I'm going to have to push out a large baby!

Mommy on the other hand is feeling like a fat, tired, sweaty cow. The heat is unbearable. I've been getting up early just so I can walk before 8:00...otherwise I'm miserable. Mason doesn't seem to mind the heat at all. I think the kid would live outside if we pitched a tent for him. So we've been having a battle of the wills. Let me tell you, the pregnant lady wins. When it's time to come in, WE'RE COMING IN!

Mason is still going potty. Not on a regular basis, but he'll usually pee on the potty at least once a day. He gets so excited for himself. It's pretty funny. His new interest is Daddy reading to him. Pretty ironic that his mommy is a teacher and he doesn't want to hear stories from me...little stinker! Below is Mason and Daddy reading...


  1. OK- hilarious! Just a little side note the battle of wills never ends!! LOL! He is adorable!

  2. I forgot to say you look really, really good for 29 weeks!!! I am jealous!! LOL

  3. Lindsay's picture makes me SICK!!! It doesn't even look real. Enjoy that pregnant belly; it's so exciting to have that little baby just growing away in there :) (Easy for me to say bc I'm not pregnant in 100+ weather!)

  4. I do have to say that I LOVE being pregnant. Even though it's hot, I'm getting fatter, and my back hurts, there's nothing better than being able to feel your child with you 24/7! Such a miracle.
