Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Camera is on Vacation

My camera is currently on vacation in Turks and Caicos. Yep, Rene and Lindsay are taking their 'babymoon' this week and invited the camera (and not me) to go. So there will be no current pics of Mason until next weekend. So in order to pacify the family here are some pics of Mason from his first month of life. Steven and I were reminiscing the other night and couldn't believe how much he has changed. There is nothing about him that is a baby anymore. He's growing up way too fast for me. I'm just glad I've got a huge library of photos!

Mason at 2 days old.

Mason at 4 weeks old.


  1. They grow WAAAAY too fast, huh?! So sweet!

  2. I love- love the cheeks! It makes you want to smooch em! I can't wait to see what your sweet girl looks like!
