Thursday, July 17, 2008

Completely Venting

I went to the library today to check out some of the new Sequoyah Children's Books (as much as I don't want to admit it, school will be starting sooner than I realize). Anyway, Mason was hungry and fussy, so I ended up carrying him out of the library along with my wallet, 6 books, and keys. Thankfully, Kate was a real trooper! As we were walking out I asked Kate to hold onto the bottom of my shorts, since I didn't have a free hand. She was such a listener and did what she was asked. Anyway, we were walking down the ramp to the parking lot and this IDIOT lady in her mini-van comes barrelling into the handicap parking space right next to the ramp. It scared me so much, I dropped my wallet, keys, and books, and immediately went for Kate who was closest to the car. Everything was fine, but I couldn't believe such a moron would pull into a parking lot like that. I'm sure the look I gave her was not very pleasant, but OH WELL!

Once I grabbed all the stuff off the ground, and got going again the lady and her 5 kids come out of the mini-van with no acknowledgement or apology of what she did. Finally, I get the kids in their seats and start to pull away when I notice Ms. Moron turning back down the library walkway only to climb her BIG BUTT back in the van so she can put her handicap tag up. UGHHHHH!!!! It took all my self-control to not pull up next to her and ask if her handicap was blindness since she nearly ran us over and did not have any visible sign of being handicapped. However, I held my you get to read about it now. Lucky you!

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