Friday, July 11, 2008

25 Weeks

All About Addie
She is a big time mover. Mason used to move around a lot at night and when I was sleeping, but Addison moves constantly! I've gotten so used to it that I now have to remind myself to take the time to savor the moments. Like right now, she is kicking so forcefully the laptop is moving...CRAZY! As of our last dr. appt she is breech. Hopefully all of her acrobatics are moving her towards the correct launch position. She hasn't cooperated too much for Dr. Nilson to get a great ultrasound of her face, but she definitely has the Torres nose and a exceptionally large foot.
All About Mommy
I feel great and really enjoy being preggo. My back is hurting quite a bit more this time around than last, but I accredit that to toting around a little monster on one hip. I guess this goes under the saying of "no pain, no gain". My back could also be hurting from all of the weight I have gained...too much to mention the exact amount. I am looking forward to meeting this little one and seeing what her personality will be like.
All About Mason
...adjusting to the baby that is! He is been very sweet. He points to my stomach and says baby and gives the baby kisses. If we are cuddling on the couch, he'll lift up my shirt and give a big hug to my big belly. Sometimes, if his sister is lucky, he will even give a nice raspberry. I really think he will be an exceptional big brother. He may be a stinker, but he sure is compassionate. Steven and I are really, really blessed.


  1. You look so adorable!!

  2. You look great!! I'm glad Addie continues to do well and that Mason is already loving on his little sister in your belly.

  3. Precious is the only word I could use to describe your baby bump Amanda! Hope you feel as great as you look!
    Be blessed...
