Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hooray for Date Nights and Dog Wrestling

Steven and I have always spent a lot of time together, but rarely do we go out the two of us. Well, well, well, tonight I have a date thanks to my friend Amy who's getting married. Yes, I know it's sad to consider going to someone's wedding a date night, but I am so looking forward to an evening with just adults. Luckily we have lots of family in town so it's not hard to get a sitter. Mason's Poppy (Steven's dad) is coming over to play, and no doubt that will include McDonald's for the little man. Steven even arranged for his dad to come early so we could go to dinner (he's so great)! I'll let you know what the adult world entails as soon as I get a little taste of it. I'm sure it will be great, but I'll be anxious to come home and peek in on my sleeping boy.

Now, since no one really cares to read about my personal life I'll add some Mason info. Right now...oh, who am I kidding...Mason has always loved to wrestle with Roxy. I feel sorry for the poor dog. She could be enjoying her evening nap and WHAM, Mason jumps right on top of her. She's always a trooper though. She'll let him crawl, poke, pinch, and even sit on her. Secretly, I think she likes it. So below are the wrestlemania pics from last week...

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