Friday, July 25, 2008

Back Pain=Not a Happy Mommy

All through my pregnancy with Mason I had some lower back pain now and again. It wasn't an ache, just a stabbing pain if I sat down too long or laid flat. However, I just dealt with it. Now that baby #2 is getting LARGER, the stabbing pain is getting much worse. This morning when I got out of bed I could barely put any weight on my right foot. I thought if I just moved around I could work it out, but two hours later and I was dying. to the chiropractor for the first time. He did all kinds of maneuvering and cracking and popping and WHAM...much better. Apparently I was all jacked up. I have never heard so much noise come from my back in my entire life. My back still aches a little, but at least I can walk...AMEN!

While I was at the chiropractor, Mason was with my mom. When I went to get him and hour later, I found my little man in his diaper and sandals running through her sprinkler like a mad man. He looked so trailer park and so cute at the same time. My mom said she had taken him to the park to play for a little bit and when they got back he was so hot he went straight for the sprinkler. Since his clothes were soaked, she just stripped him down. I wish I'd had my camera. It was quite the site to see!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that you're having such bad back pain this time around, but thankfully the chiropractor worked his magic on you. Here's to more comfortable days in the future!!

    The mental picture of Mason in the sprinkler is too cute!!
