Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Let me start this off by saying Mason is no where near actually going on the potty, but since I'd be home for the summer I thought we would start working on it. So here is his current status...

1. He notices when everyone else potties...me, Steven, Kate, Roxy the dog, basically anyone who walks into the bathroom.
2. He loves to sit on the potty.
3. He tells you, "I go pee-pee on potty" (but he doesn't).
4. He's fascinated with toliet paper and the roller the tp goes on...hence, what he's playing with on the potty.

So even though he's produced NOTHING, I thought the picture was too cute not to share!


  1. I am so looking forward to a day without diapers.

  2. I bought Lola a potty chair and she does the same thing! I know it's early, but I will LOVE the day of no more diapers!! We should get the kids together for a play date!

  3. Carter (he's 16 months) decided he wanted to sit on the potty last week and lo and behold he went. So I thought, this is great, I'll keep trying this. He went 3 more times on the potty that day (each time I sat him on it). The next day he just sat there and smiled. I can't get him to go again!!!
