Monday, May 12, 2008

Rooster Days and The "Face"

This year, the only thing I wanted for Mother's Day was to go to Rooster Days and eat all things fried. I don't know why I do it to myself, but I love me some corn dogs! I always end up paying for it later, but OH WELL! It tastes so yummy going down. However, the food wasn't the best part, it was watching Mason experience his first carnival type setting. He was really intrigued by the petting zoo. For him, we really should call it the 'I'll stand back and look at you' zoo. He wasn't so interested in touching the animals, but eventually he warmed up to touch the goats.
Be sure to look closely at the picture, it's the closest thing to a smile you'll see in this post!

We also went to the morning parade for Rooster Days. Mason really liked watching the bands go by and the mini cars driven by the Adkar Shrine people.

Okay, now on to my whole purpose of this post...Mason's new face. The look your are about to see can be seen by anyone who looks in his direction. The most amusing part of the face is it looks just like Steven's when he's irritated. So, I thought I'd post it for everyone to see. Be sure to notice how 'happy' he looks on his pony. I just love it! I have my own mini white version of Steven. Maybe our next child will be a mini Puerto Rican version of me!

Mason not too sure about the pony.
(For all of you wondering, Steven is standing right by him.)
I do have one more thing to add...I HAVE 5 DAYS OF WORK LEFT!!!! Yahoo for SUMMER BREAK!

1 comment:

  1. I miss Rooster Days!! I've tried to explain it to Jon, but I think he'll just have to experience it for himself sometime.

    Mason is adorable as ever, even with "the face." :)
