Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mud Pies

One of many things I love about Mason is he's not afraid to get down and dirty. After our day of play outside, he had to be hosed off before coming in the house. My only thought after our adventurous day...I sure hope his little sister is up for some mud pies.


  1. How fun!!!!!!! I have 'ventured out' and bought a sand and water table for Ellee today....I think that is the extent of dirt I can steps right??? :) :) Mason is such a doll and I can't wait to see lil sweet pea Torres...shes gonna be so cute too!!

  2. We live in the mud!! LOL I love it!! It is such an instinct that boys have!! Get dirty, smell like a puppy, and get dirty!! He is sooo precious!! Oh yea on the previous blog- Drew (my 6yr old) had a scud missle fight with my daughter I ahd to hide them for a while!! LOL Kids are awesome!!

  3. You know I am a fan of letting kids get messy! He is so cute, it will be fun to see how your daughter handles a little mud...
