Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

For our three day weekend, we spent the first part getting ready for a garage sale. Steven loved cleaning out the attic and moving all of our unused stuff out. He was not a happy camper, and I must admit he worked his tail off as usual. However, I am very excited to be getting rid of so much since we have baby #2 coming in the fall.

Knowing all the hard work Steven was going to do, we arranged to go see my Dad at Grand Lake for the last part of the holiday weekend. Normally, Mason is not the traveler. He doesn't sit still for long, but he is growing up. He didn't fuss at all on the way there or back. Not to mention he had a blast being outdoors, and getting to try out all new adventures. He was very content since he had new territory to explore. Here's a glimpse at some of his adventures while we were there...

Getting to drive Papa's tractor

Riding his 4 wheeler up and down the hill.

Eating all the goodies Mommy doesn't let him have.

(That would be a chocalate chip stuck on his face.)


Chasing the Miniature Yorkie around.


Driving the boat and pushing all the buttons.
As you can clearly see, Mason had a wonderful time. He's growing up so fast, and becoming so independent. I now realize that I am ready for another little one. (Someone please refer me to this blog when I am completely exhausted with 2 kids!)

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