Friday, February 15, 2008

McDonald's is my kind of place...

What? I'm aloud to eat this!!!

Thanks Uncle Ne for this yummy burger!

I am pretty picky about what Mason eats. Since he is so young, I want to give him the best and start now with healthy eating. I read labels more for him than I do for Steven and myself. He gets very little sugar and I really try to avoid processed food. WELL...tonight was date night and Uncle Ne watched Mason. Lo' and behold, Uncle Ne comes in with Mickey D's. I thought I was going to die. I pictured my precious little baby's arteries clogging immediately. LOL! Of course Mason LOVED it. The fries were his favorite. Since we now know that he is a junk food-aholic at the age of one, Steven and Uncle Ne taught Mason one of their favorite childhood songs (of course they made it up and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever)...

McDonald's is my kind of place.
They feed you rattlesnakes.
They put the french fries in your toes.
And if you go back there again,
they'll steal your underwear.
Dee dee dee dee ded da dee....
(The above line means they never found a good ending.)

Not that anyone cares, but date night was awesome. Steven took me to a restaurant on Riverside called Michael Fusco's. It was divine! I do have to say that after five years of marriage, my husband is still my most favorite person in this world, and then comes Mr. Mase at a close second.

1 comment:

  1. I love the BIG bite he is taking out of the burger!! Rene being so proud! I am so glad you guys had a great time! Our date night is Saturday because the church is having a parents night out!! YEA!!
