Monday, March 3, 2008

cookies, haircuts, and orneriness

One of the perks of being a teachers is GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! I indulged this year and got three boxes. Good thing...Mason loves them. I do believe Thin Mints are his favorite. He hasn't quite figured out how to eat the delicately as to not get it all over his face.

Now, I've posted before that we have to dry Mase's hair before bed, but this is getting ridiculous. His hair is getting a little girly. Haircut is scheduled for Sunday. I'll post some pics of his new do. Ladies, watch out! (by the way, did you catch his model look?)

I put this on here so you could catch a better side of Mason's true personality! He is ORNERY! He knows he's not supposed to chew on the comb...he's waiting to see how long he can get away with it. Lately, when he's told no he sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries at you. Such a stinker!

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