Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Other Kids...

A Classroom in Africa

African Students

African School

Classroom in Africa

My Precious Students
As many of you know, besides being Mason's mommy, I am also a teacher. Even though life would be much easier to stay at home, I knew God wanted me to go back to work for this year. And, without getting into to details I now see why.

Recently, my class read an article about students in Africa. The article was about African children who cannot attend public school simply because they can't afford school supplies. After reading the article, my students felt compelled to help. So, after a little research I came across a young woman who graduated from BA and is currently teaching in Africa. She informed us of a school in their village that is for deaf children. They only attend school half a day because the school does not have enough money to provide lunch. Very sad!!! As you can see from the above pictures, they have a very 'make-shift' school.
Once I was able to get the info on a school in need, my class started brainstorming what we could do to help. They decided to start a school supply drive. So far they have raised 91 spiral notebooks, 238 pencils, and many other standard supplies. The African School has 137 students. Our goal is to have one notebook and 2 pencils for every student.

My main reason for writing this...we as adults get so wrapped up in what our kids 'must have' or even getting the very best for ourselves. What are we really teaching our kids with this kind of mindset? We should be focused on teaching our children to be givers, and as parents, we must set the example. I am so proud of my students. Many of them come from homes where they may or may not have anything to eat when they get home from school, yet they want to help others. I hope this inspires you to have a givers heart, as it has inspired me!