Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chubby Cheekers~One Year Edition

Sometimes a man gets a little busy, you know, I had to take a little baby blogging break.  I must tell you of my latest antics because they are pretty good.  

I've been struggling with conveying what I want to Mommy.  I have all these great ideas in my head, but Mommy doesn't really get it.  Like when I tried to climb in sister's baby doll stroller.  She got me out.  She didn't get that babies go in strollers.  I had to let her know I was NOT okay with the whole 'getting me down thing' so I did what any genius baby would do.  I threw myself on the floor.  

My technique has really improved over the last few weeks.  At first I tried the Throw Your Head Back technique.  That worked great on the carpet, but the wood floors and tile hurt.  I knew a change had to come or I would really hurt my noggin. After much contemplation I decided to utilize the belly flop.  It was somewhat effective, but it was missing the dramatic flair I was searching for.  Then I found it.  The knee drop with my head thrown back, ending in a belly flop is the way to go.  It prevents injury on my part, but really sticks it to Mommy.

I have also been working on strengthening my big toes.  Did you know those guys can hook on higher surfaces and hoist you up on things?  Never underestimate the power of a strong toe.

I first figured this out in Mommy's bathtub.  She has this little seat thing.  I put my chubby little leg as high as it could go, but it wasn't cutting it.  However, my big fat toe could reach the ledge of the seat. I hooked it on quick and hoisted myself up.  As I stood there all proud of myself, Mommy gave me the mean face, said, "No, no," and got me down.  Party pooper.

The next day, I found something she would let me climb on.  Check me out...

Photo: We have a climber.

I am one big stud muffin, but if you want a piece of me you'll have to get in line.  Mommy has my heart, meany face and all.  I love her and those Milk Twins!

Chubby Cheekers

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today I wanted to share something that has nothing to do with what I have written, but will bless you.  Would you take a moment to read Ashley Ann's post from Under the Sycamore on friendship?

I love everything about what she wrote.  So many differences, but yet each woman takes time to serve each other.  Beautiful.  Simply beautiful.  In my own little journey I am striving to be a servant leader.  Really looking for areas where I could serve others by simple gestures.  I often get so busy with my own life, that I fail to realize that I still have it in me to serve others.

As I guide my own children, I often find myself teaching them that in order to have good friends they must be a good friend, but I also need to lead by example.  I also want to show them that it is important to choose good friends, and to hold out for the special ones.  Not to settle.

Just a little tidbit for you today.  Now I'm going to find someone to bless today and I hope you do too!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Me + Cottage Cheese

My entire life I have been active.  I began gymnastics very young and continued through middle school until I decided to do competitive cheerleading through high school.  I didn't cheer in college so I picked up running and aerobic classes.  Weight was never an issue with the exception of trying to keep it on. 

I never had an issue with being self-conscience with my weight on the other side of the pendulum until I had kids.  My first pregnancy I gained 45 lbs despite working out almost everyday.  My body just packed on the weight.  It was frustrating.  I vowed to lose all the baby weight within year.  Well, that was a good plan until I got pregnant again.  Two babies in less than two years does something to your body.  

Suddenly, I had a weight problem.  After having Little Miss my body kept the extra 10 lbs.  Despite the cottage cheese on my thighs and non-existent abs, I decided that 125 lbs was my new natural body weight.  I was okay with that.  I accepted the cottage cheese as my new normal.  I had two kids in two years.  My body had just changed.

Well, guess what?  I had another baby, and I was afraid I was going to bulk up another 10 lbs.  The baby weight was not coming off.  I began running.  That helped a bit, but it wasn't cutting it.  I decided to attend my friend's boot camp.  It was just what I needed.  

As of late, I have dropped ALL baby weight.  I weigh and look as I did the day I got married.  Was it easy? No way.  Will I have to work to maintain?  Yep, but I am finally happy with the way I look because I feel STRONG.  I do have issues with accepting 'skinny' compliments.  I often feel people are saying I look too frail, too thin, too gross.  However, I have to remind myself that the compliments are just that...COMPLIMENTS.  I am working hard to say thank you.

I write this to encourage you.  You do not have to accept your baby weight as the new you. It is not you.  You can change what you don't like.  It will be hard.  It will require you to get outside your comfort zone.  It will be worth it.  

If you live in my area, I would love for you to do a FREE trial of the boot camp I do.  There are now evening and morning classes to choose from.  If you are interested in a new you, let me know and I will help you!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Menu Monday

It's my birthday week!!!!  Normally, I don't get too excited for my birthday.  This year is different.  On my birthday I will wake up and meet my running group for 6 miles.  Never ever on my birthday have I ran.  Let alone run 6 miles.  However, turning 33 has me thinking I should really make sure my heart is healthy.  I figured 3+3(adding together the numbers of my age)=6 would be the mileage to run. Plus, my running group is up to 6 miles.  Those crazy girls are training for half marathons and such.  I'm just there for girl time.  It's really pretty sick and twisted how I have to squeeze in the girl time.

After the run, I will come home and I'm secretly hoping my husband decides to make breakfast for me.  So, somebody drop the man a hint for me ;)  After the breakfast my husband may or not make for me, my precious mom offered to take the kids so Steven and I could do lunch and movie, and make dinner for us.  LOVE!

Finally, after my precious babies are in bed, I get to head out for a GNO (Girls' Night Out).  Not a GMR (Girls' Morning Run).  A real night of getting dressed, putting on make-up and going out to a late night dinner where I will consume an undisclosed amount of calories because after all, I would have already run 6 miles.  When you run 6 miles, you get to eat junk late at night.  At least in my world that's what happens.

For the rest of the week, dinner will be served as usual.  By Moi.  Here is what I'll be serving...

Monday-Key West Grilled Drumsticks, Cheesy Bread, Seasoned Steamed Cauliflower
Tuesday-Enchilada Lasagna, Taco Rice, Corn Saute
Wednesday-Spicy Pork BUTT (I love eating butt) Sandwiches, Green Beans, Cantaloupe
Thursday-Tortilla Soup and Salad
Friday-Roasted Chicken Breasts, Asparagus, Garlic Knots
Sunday-Honey Mustard Chicken, Steamed Brocoli, Honey Buttered Bread

Friday, February 22, 2013

My Best Idea Yet

As I found myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off yesterday, it dawned on me.  I need some help.  Leaving myself and hour to get three kids fed, dressed, and out the door was not my best planning, but it's what happened.  Honestly, even two hours wouldn't have been enough time.

Last night was Little Man's Kindergarten Musical.  The venue was a few blocks from Steven's office so we decided I would swing by and pick him up so we could arrive together.  That plan sounded so good at the time.  I don't know, maybe I was feeling a bit Superwoman-ish that day, but that plan was crazy.  I left myself with mass chaos.  It was only a miracle that the kids and I made it to the car fully dressed and all limbs attached.  I am still emotionally scarred from the event.

Once I began to discover that I hadn't fully lost my mind and my sanity was slowly coming back, it hit me. A personal assistant would have made my life so much easier.  She could have either A) Prepared Dinner or B) ironed the clothes and dressed my children.  It really didn't matter which task, she could have helped me.  I smiled at my brilliance.

One problem...I can't pay a personal assistant.  Shoot.  I need someone who's looking for job experience here.  An intern.  Yes, I need an intern.

So if you are looking for some mommyhood experience, here is what you would learn at the Casa De Torres:

  • How to effectively cleanse a baby's booty after poopies
  • Organizing the schedules of 6 additional people (nephews included)
  • Tactical driving as you maneuver through school drop-off and pick-up
  • Culinary skills to fit the likings of little and big people
  • Coffee preparation...lots of coffee prep
  • And much more, but I have to go.  The baby's crying.  
See???  I really do need an assistant!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


My thoughts right now.  You will become dumber from reading this.

  • We all went back to Wednesday night church last night.  The kids and I took a break.  It felt good to be back.
  • I started a new board on Pinterest regarding gardening.  I suspect most of those pins will never get done.
  • I really, really want a BIG cheeseburger right now.
  • Little Man stayed home from school yesterday.  We played hookie.  It was snowing and I wasn't quite sure how the roads would be at the end of the day so we just didn't go.  
  • The roads ended up being fine.  Oops.
  • We leave for FL in a month.  We're staying in a gigantic house with Steven's family.
  • After having 3 kids, I'm still not ashamed to put on my 2 piece.  I've put in a LOT of hard work to get in 2 piece shape.
  • I will seriously blind people with my whiteness.  I am considering a spray tan.  
  • Steven will not blind people.  He is not white.
  • There are days I wished I were Puerto Rican.
  • I have a friend who used the word pecker yesterday.  I laughed and laughed at that girl.
  • Did you know that bulls can break their peckers from overuse?  Learned something new yesterday.
  • Thanks to the bull who broke his pecker, I received a wonderful piece of roast delivered by my friend.
  • I need to be more thoughtful like my friend.  She showed up with a roast, potatoes, carrots, and a bag of fruit.  Who does that?
  • I have been so tired lately.  
  • I sure hope I'm not pregnant.
  • That was a very bad joke.
  • I still want a cheeseburger.
  • Yesterday I wanted to take a vacation day because I saw this all day long...

Unfortunately, moms don't get vacation days.  I'm taking this up with management pronto.  By the way, do you see my non-cleaned off fridge?  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Fridge: A Representation of My Life

Recently I came across this organizational site for your home.  After the kids went to bed I stayed up way too late and went through all of the tips and rooms.  Secretly, I was drooling over the kitchen.  Everything had a place and was in its place.  I vowed in my head that my kitchen was headed in that direction.  

The next morning I woke up and made a list of the tasks I wanted to accomplish to get my kitchen picture perfect.  Over the course of the week I found a place for everything, and I wanted to take a picture of job well done.  I didn't.  I now wish I would have.  My picture perfect kitchen lasted a whole 4 hours.  

The truth of the matter is my kitchen is the hub of the entire house.  I would love to have a picture perfect home 24/7, but we live in our home.  We make memories here.  As nice as my fridge looks all cleaned off, it warms my heart to have little reminders of what I love displayed on the doors.  There will be a day when I get to have that picture perfect kitchen, but for now, instead of becoming annoyed with the clutter I think I'll celebrate it.  

So instead of this fridge...

I have this fridge...

It has the things that make me smile right now.  The necklace Little Man made at school for his 100th day party, my weekly menu, the letter from Luis (the child we sponsor through Compassion International), a reminder of what makes a Godly family, the dollar my grandma sent Chubby Cheekers for his first birthday, the picture of Little Man and Steven from the day Steven volunteered at the school, and the letter Little Miss has mastered. 

Does my fridge look cluttered?  Yes, but I enjoy walking by and seeing all the things that currently happening with our family.  One day, when the kids are all grown I'll miss the trinkets and treasures to display for all to see.  I'll have that clean fridge, but nothing to go on it. of Steven and I from all of our extreme traveling...HA!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It Happened

We just finished Chubby Cheekers First Birthday Party.  My wee little baby's birthday has come and gone. His party was a small family gathering with his favorite people..his brother, sister, and cousins.  He loves those guys.  He had a smash cake (which he wouldn't touch), and our family had milk and cookies.  Nothing fancy and 100% wonky homemade.

Unfortunately, he also had his one year check-up.  Shots on the same day as his rescheduled party=Mom Fail.  Poor guy was a little fussy.  He loved having Happy Birthday sung to him, but was NOT interested in his cake.  After an hour of all the attention on him, he was done.

Poor baby!  I'm pretty sure we have the same picture of Little Man at his first party.  He wasn't the party animal either.  Come to think of it, we have a picture of Little Miss crying at her first party too.  Geez!  What's with the Torres kids not enjoying parties?  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Menu Monday

Life just throws some curve balls at you every once in a while.  I think it's to make sure we don't get too comfortable.  Last week was a challenge for me.  Friday was a real challenge for me.  So much of a challenge that I welcomed a trip to the grocery store by MYSELF!  I rarely have days that get me down.  I try really hard to enjoy every moment and every stage, but Friday I sat in my car before shopping and cried. 

The day was so stressful.  I was overloaded from noise.  Chubby Cheekers was refusing to nap and after multiple nights of him up 10-15 times from cutting molars and an ear infection, I was at the Mommy Limit.  I had no more patience and I knew I had been a beast myself.  

Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who did more than his part to care for Chubby Cheekers most of the night on Friday so I could sleep all night long.  I kept my plans to run with friends Saturday morning.  After finishing four miles my attitude was much better, and I was looking forward to our day filled with Little Man's basketball game and Chubby Cheekers' birthday party.

Then I got a text from Steven.  Little Man woke up with a fever and a mini throw up session.  Really?  Ugh!  Long story short, the party got moved to tonight and we ended up having a wonderful weekend by making the best of our time together as a family of five.  With all the yucky curve balls thrown at us, we were able to be together.  That's all we really need.

Wow!  Did I spew all that out?  How about a menu...

Monday-Enchilada Lasagna and Corn Saute
Tuesday-Fish Tacos, Salad, Taco Rice
Wednesday-Crescent Chicken Roll-Ups, Broccoli Casserole, Honey Bread
Thursday-Sandwiches (Little Man has a musical performance)
Friday-Chickfila Style Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Saturday-Breakfast for Dinner
Sunday-Dinner at Mom's

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Git Ya' Some Dealz

If you haven't shopped Rhea Lana of South Tulsa this season, you are really missing out.  I took my cash and deal seeking eyes on Saturday afternoon. Glad I grabbed those guys because I was able to purchase 5 dresses for Little Miss, 2 shorts for Little Man, and 3 shorts and 1 shirt for Chubby Cheekers all for the bargain price of $37.  That's 11 items around $3.36/item.

I know some of you are thinking, "But those are used clothes."  My answer to that is, "Yes some are used, but 3 items had new tags on them."

I don't really have any issues with my kids wearing used clothes.  After all, I accept hand me downs from friends, pass on my own kids' clothes, AND I have a thing called a washing machine. All the items (even the new ones) go through the wash before the kids wear them.

If you haven't made it to the sale yet, don't fret.  You still have time. In fact today is the one of the best days to shop.  It may be Valentine's Day, BUT make it part of your date night because today is 25% off day!!!

If consignor's chose to mark their items for the sale, then those items will be 25% the sale's price.  Friday is HALF OFF DAY!  Good deals, people.  Good deals.

Ready to shop???  Here's the store hours..

Open to the Public Store Hours:
Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm*
Friday      10:00am-7:00pm
Saturday   9:00am-12:00pm

*Here's a little secret for you and something special just for Torres Tidbit readers!  If you would like to get items HALF OFF on THURSDAY EVENING, then you are invited to a PRIVATE pre-sale from 8:00pm-10:00pm.  All you have to do is say you were invited through Torres Tidbits and you'll get in.  This is a HUGE opportunity to scavenge the deals before it opens up to the public on Friday.

Before I leave you to shop til you drop, I have one more goody for you.  Do you like prizes?  Prizes like these...
{Click on the pic for enlargement}

If you shop and make a purchase tomorrow, you will be entered to win prizes!!!  Now go buy stuff.   Lots of stuff ;)

Don't forget to tell the ladies Torres Tidbits sent you!
Enjoy the sale, enjoy the deals!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

It started raining.  Isn't that how it always begins?  You go to a movie or dive into a novel and the main character is sitting in a chair over a hot cup of somethin' and they start reminiscing.

Funny thing about that rain stuff.  I was sitting in my kitchen feeding Chubby Cheekers when I took a wee little glance outside.  I saw the rain and knew the cold front was coming through.  I did a bit of a shiver and decided to make myself a midday cup of joe.  Coffee in the afternoon is a very rare thing for me.  Generally, I enjoy my one cup of coffee on the way to school.  However, today was different.  I reached in the cabinet to grab a coffee mug, and I saw one that was given to me as a gift for Teacher Appreciation Week.

As I poured my coffee my mind started going back to my life as a teacher.  Students started flashing through my mind.  I smiled as I thought about the students who have become so successful as young adults.  I wondered about the students who I have lost touch with over the years.  And then I let it happen.  I let my mind start to think about those students.

Those students are the ones you want to take home.  You want to give them a fresh start.  You want to show them what real love is all about.  You want to show them there is so much more.  They can be more.  Do more.  Have more.

I think of the little girl who had so many unthinkables done to her that she would wet her pants every day.  Her body was so thin you could see her bones.  She would pull out her hair in chunks.  I can't tell you how many times I told her I loved her.  Hugged her. Told her she was special.  She moved halfway into her 5th grade year and I have never heard from her again.

I think of the boy who rivaled me in size.  He had so much anger inside him, it was not unusual for him to string out profanities.  To flip over a desk.  Chunk his backpack to the back of the room.  I told him everyday I loved him.  That he had a choice.  He could change.  He could be more.  Do more.  On the last day of school, he hugged me back for the first time.  He told me he loved me and said no one had ever told him he could be great.  He moved away that summer.  I haven't seen him since.

I think of another boy who woke himself every morning and got to school on time.  No one was ever home to help him get ready, or make him breakfast.  His home was so unkept and unclean that his clothes smelled of cat urine almost everyday.  He once walked to school in shorts and flip flops when it was 20 degrees outside.  He couldn't find anything else to wear.  He was also brilliant.  I told him everyday that he was loved.  I got him new clothes and stashed clean ones in the class so he wouldn't be embarrassed if he dressed himself in clothes his cats urinated on while on the floor.  This boy hugged me everyday with the kind of hug that knocks you over.  On the last day of school, he cried and so did I.  Over the summer DHS finally intervened and he went to live with his dad.  I haven't heard from him since.

It's stories like these that make my heart ache for kids.  I often forget that the kids sitting in Little Man's class may be experiencing the same things I told you about above.  It breaks my heart so much that I can't think about it too often.

I'm not sure why the rain brought my mind to such a place, but I am thankful I had the opportunity to tell these kids, not only that I loved them, but to show them real love.  It's a good reminder to me to teach my kids to show love to their classmates.  Even the kids they can't understand.  The school day could be the best part of another child's day.  The only part of the day where they feel loved and feel safe.  I hope my kids are the shining light for others.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Hot Dates

Typically I date a tall, dark, and handsome man.  This passed weekend I got to date a blonde guy.  He was a cutie.  In fact, he's probably the second most handsome guy I've dated in my life.  Second only to his daddy.

Beginning last year, Steven and I decided to take our kids on individual dates for Valentine's Day.  Last year, Little Man and I hit up Barnes and Noble two days before Chubby Cheekers was born.  Although I enjoyed our date tremendously, I was LARGE and in CHARGE.  Little Man wanted to sit on the floor to check out all the books.  Me and my booty were struggling to just move forward let alone get down on the ground and back up, but I did it.

This year Little Man wanted to go back to Barnes and Noble and then get a special drink at Sonic.  He is a boy after my own heart.  We checked out all the new books and left with one of my favorite early reader chapter books, Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket.  The most enjoyable part of our date was being able to get up and down spending time solely with my oldest.  He's a special guy.

Steven also had a hot date.  His Valentine's date involved the annual Daddy Daughter Dance put on by our local community center.  I am so thankful that my girl has a man to look up to such as this...

A man who's willing to take one for the team to make his little girl (behind the beauty in the pink dress) and her friends happy.  It's moments like these that make him all the more attractive, but we're here to talk about my lovely kids.  Like this little beauty...

How in the world did I get lucky enough to marry a man as handsome on the inside as he is on the outside and then talk him into giving me three fabulous kids?  Maybe that Jedi mind trick I learned years ago?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Menu Monday

Weekend for the weekend?  Yes please!  So much fun crammed into two days leaves a mom and dad pooped.  However, watching the kids' excitement for each event was worth it.  Bags under my win out.  Who am I kidding?  I've had bags since Chubby Cheekers popped out.

Speaking of Chubby Cheekers.  He's turning ONE on Saturday!

I have so much to share with you this week.  From Little Man's first girly birthday party to our annual Valentine's dates with our kids, I want to share it all.  I even want to share what it's like to prepare for your last child's first birthday party.  Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out.  Seriously, I'm tearing up.  Better get to the menu...

Monday-Pizza Bread and Salad
Tuesday-Key West Grilled Chicken, Black Bean Corn Salsa, The Bread
Wednesday-Fried Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes, Corn
Thursday-Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole and Buttered Bread
Friday-BBQ Chicken, Green Beans, Garlic Knots
Saturday-Dinner Out for Chubby Cheekers' B-Day
Sunday-Sweet and Sour Chicken and Asian Noodles

Thursday, February 7, 2013


WARNING:  If you have a squeamish stomach DO NOT click on the link.  

A few months back my friend, Erica and I were running.  She was talking about something (I really can't remember as I'm sure I was sucking wind) and mentioned someone being 'granola'.  Uh what?  Granola?  What the heck is that?

Since I'm not one to pretend to know what's going on when I don't, I stopped her.

What the heck is granola?

After she finished laughing at me she said, "You know, someone earthy.  Whole Foods-ie.  Granola."


Fast forward a month or so and we were headed to some nutrition talk for marathon runners.  I was attending for Steven's sake, and she was there because she's, well, crazy.  Anyway, one of my favorite passed times is shocking people with news.  I mentioned to her that I read on Facebook about a friend of a friend who did a home birth and buried her placenta in the backyard.  

Then I paused to watch her face.  It was awesome.  She was grossed out and shocked and then starting thinking about people she knew who did home births and whether or not they buried their placentas.  She was going to ask them.

Then I said, "Hey, let me know.  Maybe they even ate it."

Then she said, "Oh my gosh.  That is so gross.  Who does that?"

Then I said, "People do.  Apparently it's full of nutrients."

That totally grossed her out.  I watched her face.  It was majorly contorted.  It was even awesomer than the first 'shocked' face. My day was complete.

Long story short, every time I hear the word 'granola', I can't help but think of that conversation of people eating their placentas.  So much so that when Erica mentioned on Facebook that buying part of a grass fed, no-antibiotic cow made her feel 'granola', I couldn't help but ask if she was going to eat her next placenta.

Yeah, probably not the best place to joke about that.  Who am I kidding?  That's totally the best place to joke about that!  I am pretty ornery.  Erica, however, did not want to gross out all of her personal clients, as the thread was on her private business page, so she clarified that I was joking...and nasty (I can't argue with that one).

Since I was outed, I had to go one step further.  For the record, I called Erica after posting the link to be sure we're still friends.  She hasn't gotten back to me yet.  I don't know why.  I only posted this...

And what's a blog post without pics, right?

No, my friends, that is NOT a meatball sub.  Yeah, I just upchucked too.  Gets me every time!

Would it be wrong to say, "Happy Cooking" at the end of this post?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

NEW Winner!

The $10 Rhea Lana Spending Cash went unclaimed. The new winner chosen at random is...


Alice, please email me at by noon tomorrow (Thursday, February 7th) to claim your prize!!!

An Easy Dinner...Southwestern Chopped Chicken Salad

I'm not sure if I've ever announced my undying love for Pinterest.  Have you ever heard me talk of Pinterest?  Oh, right.  You have.  Well, here's another goody.

I would like to introduce you to the Southwestern Chopped Chicken Salad.

southwest chicken salad7

Besides the fresh flavors bursting out on your taste buds, the salad is super easy to put together.  I chopped everything and tossed it in a bowl, and made the dressing 4 hours prior to dinner time.  It was liberating.  Since it's been in the upper 60's 'round these parts, I was able to play with the kids outside.  When dinner time rolled around, all I had to do was mix in the dressing and crunch in the chips.  Viola!  Dinner served (aside from the fresh fruit salad I had to throw together).  

The kids initially turned their noses up because it doesn't look too appealing, but one bite had them shoveling the salad into their pie holes at speeds I rather not discuss.  I'm still trying to recover from that visual.  What was even better was Chubby Cheekers was able to snack on the black beans, corn, and chicken while we ate.  I'm also trying to recover from what I discovered in his diaper this morning.  Let's just say, corn and the shells of the black beans DO NOT digest well...and they smell gross.  The end.

I bet you are really going to enjoy this salad now!!!  You're welcome ;)

Happy Cooking!!!

If you are feeling rather ambitious, use THIS recipe to make your own taco and ranch seasoning.  You more than likely have all the ingredients on hand and it takes just a minute to throw it together.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Giveaway Winner and Hookers

I'm sure most of you didn't show up at Torres Tidbits to read about hookers, but that's what you are going to get AFTER I announce the winner of Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's $10 Spending Cash.

Drumroll Please....

Nicole Turrel Hardenburgh

Congratulations, Nicole!!!  Please email me at by noon tomorrow (Wednesday, February 6th), and I will tell you how to claim your prize.  If for some reason the prize goes unclaimed, I will randomly choose another winner Wednesday late afternoon.

Now onto hookers.  My story really has less to do with this...

...and more to do with this...

So yesterday I went to the dentist first thing in the morning.  Let's not discuss the act of Congress it takes for me to actually make an appointment, let alone get there.  That's a whole other day and a whole other topic.  

I digress.

At my dentist appointment, I get a few texts coordinating where I'll meet my sis-in-law to pick up the boys for the day.  We decided to meet at Steven's office since that's where I was going to pick up Little Miss and Chubby Cheekers.  After Steven and I trade vehicles and I get the nephews loaded up, we head home.

I'm just driving when Chunkey Monkey strikes up an unusual conversation.

CM:  Hey Aunt Amanda?
Me:  Yes, honey?
CM: I'm going to get me a hooker.

Stop here. For the life of me, I have not a clue where this came from.  I'm thinking maybe my BIL was discussing a case (he's a police officer) and he overheard something.

Me:  A what?
CM:  I'm going to get a hooker so I can climb that mountain over there.
Me:  Ohhhhh, right.  That's great, honey.
CM:  Little Miss, I'm gonna buy you a hooker too.

Now I lived through the year that Little Man referred to his scooter as his cooter, but this is a whole new realm of embarrassment.  I'm just very thankful this time the conversation occurred within the safety of my car.  If for some reason hookers come up again, say in about 15 years, I'll have some serious concerns.  Until then, we'll keeping working on the vocabulary...and laugh at the mix-ups.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Menu Monday

~Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Giveaway ends tonight!!! Be sure to enter HERE.~

A few hiccups from last week's menu.  Friday night rolled around and I didn't have it in me to cook.  I needed to go to the store.  It was basketball practice night.  Time seemed to fly by at lightning speed.  Mazzio's was calling my name.  Not to mention the coupon sitting in my binder.  Pizza it was.

All of this to say, you'll see some repeats from last week.  I'm okay with that.  Less planning for this week.  Yeah buddy!

Monday-Southwestern Chopped Chicken Salad and Fresh Fruit
Tuesday-Creamed Chicken and Biscuits, Green Beans
Wednesday-Sloppy Joe Hashbrowns and Broccoli and Cheese Casserole
Thursday-Mexican Lasagna and Guacamole
Friday-Hamburgers, Potato Crispers, Salad
Saturday-Dijon Crumb Coated Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Sunday-Dinner at Mom's

Friday, February 1, 2013

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa: GIVEAWAY TIME!!!

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa
February 10th-16th

Hard to believe, but February is here!  The month of love, and I LOVE Rhea Lana.  I love consigning and checking out the good deals.  It's not to late for you either.  You still have time to gather your items, tag them, and enter them in the database before the February 8th and 9th Drop Off Dates.  I know I have already told you how my two hours of work paid out, but I have another reason for you to consign at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  If you tag your items in store, they are INSURED!!!  If an unsold item is not able to be found after the sale, you will be paid for the lost item.  Just read the experience of one consignor...

Last Fall, I consigned with Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  I tagged my items in-store and therefore was guaranteed money if an item got lost or stolen.  When I went to pick up my items, my somewhat expensive item was unable to be located.  She took time to search all over, but couldn't find it.  She paid me cash for the item before I left.  She did not make me feel bad about it and apologized for not being able to locate the item.  Amazing customer service!  You don't get that guarantee with other sales in town.
~Dawn Chesser, Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Consignor

Here's the deal. Lost and/or stolen items are a rarity at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  The women work diligently to care for your items.  However, isn't it nice to know you are taken care of with a high level of customer service in the incident something slips away?  I just love that!

As for shopping, well, I shouldn't need to to convince you to go.  Just go.  You'll thank me!  Great items, great prices.  Need I say more?  

Don't forget you can get an early shopper pass for volunteering and in some instances you can have your consignor fee waived.  Check it out HERE.

BUT, I'm not here to really discuss consigning or volunteering.  Those are just simple reminders.  Today I'm here to GIVEAWAY some CASH courtesy of the Rhea Lana of South Tulsa owners!  A free TEN DOLLARS...$10.00...TEN DOLLARS to spend at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's Spring Sale!  I love free.

So here's how you enter...

  • Be sure to 'LIKE' Rhea Lana of South Tulsa on Facebook.
  • Leave a comment on THIS blog post.  Tell me if you're consigning.  Tell me if you're shopping.  Tell me anything.  Just comment.*
  • All entries will be accepted through Monday, February 5th @ 8:00pm.  Winner will be announced Tuesday, February 6th @ 6:30am.
*If you have difficulties leaving a comment please try typing your comment and your name in the comment box, then click the 'Anonymous' button.  Sometimes comments take a while to appear.  You may also leave your comment on the link that posted on the Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Facebook page.

Good LUCK!  
I sure wish I could win this prize.