Monday, August 11, 2014

Menu Monday

It's the week we begin school.  Am I really old enough to have a second grader and a Kindergartener???  How is it possible to have kids that old when I'm only 25? 

I am so lying through my teeth.  I'm 25 plus a few more years, but I have a bit of an identity crisis.  I see myself as 25.  Then I see someone who is truly 25 and I cry.  They have no wrinkles...or gray hair...or multiple children dangling from their limbs.  Nope!  They are just young and vibrant and naive and...I just can't talk about this anymore. 

Here's the menu...

Monday-Whole Roasted Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Strawberries
Tuesday-Sanwiches and stuff...It's Meet Your Teacher then straight to football.
Wednesday-Chicken Crescent Roll Ups, Sweet Potatoes, Blueberries
Thursday-Grilled Tilapia, Green Beans, Salad
Saturday-Homemade Pizza and Salad
Sunday-Veggie Loaded Spaghetti, Salad, The Bread

25 year olds totally cook like this, right???

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