Friday, February 28, 2014


So I had a blog post all stuck up in my head about Chubby Cheekers turning 2, then I logged onto Facebook and saw my beautiful friend's post on seasoned moms.

Lisa Ensor decided this was the year to interview 12 seasoned moms for the sole purpose of sharing their wisdom with the rest of us who sometimes struggle as moms.  I mean, that's not me, riiiight?  Hopefully, I'm not the only one who thinks, Am I doing this mom thing right?

So instead of sharing my thoughts on Chubby Cheekers turning two today (I'll share next week), I wanted to leave you with the advice from a very seasoned mom that I have the utmost respect for, Mrs. Gail Andersen.

I hope you are able to take to heart her wise advice on structure.  I know it touched some very special spots that need to change in our schedule.

Without further ado, I bring you the Seasoned Mom blog post!

And because I cannot NOT give you a sneak peek of Chubby Cheekers 2nd birthday.  I bring you a highlight pic...
As much as this guy keeps us on our toes, he is equally hilarious.

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