Monday, February 24, 2014

Menu Monday

Did you begin to doubt if it would ever come back?  It's been a long time since there has been a Menu Monday.  Whew!  I've got a good one for you this week.  I've missed them too!

Monday-Coconut Chicken, Roasted Asparagus, Berries
Tuesday-Taco Soup, Cornbread, Salad
Wednesday-Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa, Grilled Peppers, and Brown Rice
Thursday-Veggie Spaghetti, Garlic Knots, Green Beans
Friday-Pizza Night
Saturday-Surprise Date...I have no idea what we're doing, but I'm hoping it involves dinner
Sunday-Birthday Dinner!  It's my BIRTHDAY!!  I've decided to turn 29...again.

Since it has been so long, you must have taken time to find new recipes.  I neeeed to know them.  Like I may pass out...or keel over...if you don't share.  You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?

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