Friday, February 7, 2014

I've Got a Reader

Since I was little I've loved to read.  I remember the BEST place in the world was a book store.  My mom would let me go in a bookstore in the mall while she hopped in and out of stores she needed..  I could sit there for hours just looking at new books.  It's been a long time since I thought about how happy it made me to just finger through new crisp books.

We've had some snow days around here lately.  I love snow days.  A warm fire, toasty blanket, snow slowly falling, it's the perfect time to get yourself wrapped up in a good book.  Unfortunately the schedules of 5 kids doesn't always match up so my book time gets pushed aside. 

Not on Tuesday.  Tuesday the stars aligned and every person under the age of 5 napped at the same time.  It left me and Little Man cozied up on the couch with our books. 


Little Man has become quite the reader this year and my heart could not possibly have any more joy from watching him develop a love for reading.  On Saturday we have our annual Valentine's Date together.  He chose a book store for us to go to.  A book store to peruse new, crisp books and just be together.  And, maybe a little snack to go with it.  Does this boy know the way into my heart or what???

I hope you all enjoy your weekend with your families. 

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