Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Little Change Up

Notice anything different? 

I used to not like change too much, but lately change is good.  Change is good for progressing and gets me working outside my comfort zone.  I love my comfort zone.  It's that little place in my home where the kids, the husband and I live in our own little world taking care of each other.  Yep, I like that world.

Then I notice things around me that I don't like and I have a choice.  A choice to stay in my comfort zone or do something about what I don't like.  This year I'm actively working on the doing something part. 

So here's the list I'm actively working on daily.  Let me tell you, the items on the list may seem so natural to you, but for me I have to really jump outside myself to make these things happen.  It's a choice, not an instinct, and definitely not easy.
  • Talk to at least one new person each time I am out in public.
  • Smile and make eye contact with as many people as I can.
  • Actively focus and change the way I handle the emotions of stress and frustration.
  • Share the gift of Arbonne's business with at least 3 people everyday.
  • Share what eating clean can do for you with at least 2 people everyday.
  • Let my house be dirty so I can have time to sit and play.
  • Focus on how to serve others outside of Arbonne and my family.
  • Be present.  In whatever I'm doing...be present in that activity.
Seriously, these are the things I have to work on.  I blow it quite often.  Most of the time I have to dust myself off, remind myself that change is a process, and move forward. 

Another thing I've really worked on is switching out my fiction books with non-fiction self-development books.  Here's the list of books I've recently read and highly recommend to you...

 The tag line says it all..."Making wise choices in the midst of raw emotions."  Am I the only one here that needed this???
This book I am super grateful for.  Creating vision and purpose through you life while focusing on those visions and purposes through prayer.  Powerful.  Simply powerful.
It took a while for me to pick this book up.  I knew it would touch some areas I wasn't sure I was brave enough to handle.  I'm so glad I did.  Reading about a woman who prayed because her life depended on it.  When was the last time I did that?  What's sad is my life does depend on it.  So does my kids' lives...and my husband's life.  I read this one before The Circle Maker, and I do recommend the books in that order.
Again, the tag line..."Finding Purpose and Happiness in Life and Work".  Can't really tell you anymore except...AWESOME!

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