Monday, September 23, 2013

This Is THE Week..and Menu Monday

This is THE week.  The week where I get to get out of town.  The week I get to spend with girls only.  The week where I get to be responsible for only myself.  Actually, it's not the whole week, but it sure feels like it.  On Friday afternoon I head to OKC to spend a weekend with my Arbonne peeps for a reward trip I earned.  I cannot wait to share pics and stories with you.  I've heard it's an amazing weekend meeting ladies from all over the US and world. 

Since I will be out of town, I'm planning for my family to fend for themselves this weekend.  This is so unlike me.  Normally, I plan meals and prepare them beforehand to help Steven, but not this time.  I feel so rebellious.  Instead, I made sure there is plenty of meats and veggies to last the weekend...and of course some cash.  This girl is taking some VACATION TIME!

So here's my menu...

Monday-Key West Chicken, Parmesan Biscuits, Broccoli and Cheese
Tuesday-Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Ultra Crispy Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday-Chicken Roll Ups and Green Beans
Thursday-Pot Roast, Potatoes, and Carrots, Buttered Bread


  1. How fun will that be?! I will be in Richmond VA attending training for 4 days next week. I am pretty excited since I don't get to travel much! I also get to meet some bloggers while I am there too!

  2. Hope you have tons of work SO HARD and deserve some "Girly-Fun-Time!"

    I do have a few questions about menus:
    1) where do you find such great stuff?
    2) When you're not in an "active" detox, are you still eating "clean" (You know, keeping it organic and the meats non-GMO) ? Is there anything that you've found that you HAVEN'T brought back to everyday life (like gluten, MSG, etc)?
    3) Where can I find recipes for the items you DON'T hyperlink to a recipe page?

    Again, thanks so very much for all your helpful menus/ideas/general helpful and positive outlook!!
    Enjoy your vacation!!
    - Holly Shepard Arnold
