Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seize the Day

Chubby Cheekers. Ah man.  That boy had my heart.  So much of him is a 3 year old trapped in a 1.5 year olds body.  He is sweet and spirited and funny and can throw temper tantrums like nobody's business.  He is our icing on the cake.  He's our party in a box.  He's our snuggle bug.  He's our jokester.  He's so much all the time.

Most days I'm exhausted from chasing him around.  He figures things out so quickly.  I try to stay a few steps ahead of him, but most days I'm sprinting behind.  I can't imagine our family without our little Chubby Cheekers.  Especially on beautiful sunny days.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's when you're getting your diaper changed in the cool breeze.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's when you're getting your diaper changed in the cool breeze, and you realize for one split second you can zip away from mom. 

Then you're home free...


Free to run and jump and play and let it all hang out.  

It took me a good 15 minutes of running around the trampoline to finally wrestle this guy down and strap on a clean diaper.  I tell you...this guy keeps me on my toes.  All. The. Time.

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