Friday, July 19, 2013

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa~CONSIGN NOW!!!

Back to school is around the corner and I know what most of you are thinking. 

Money, $$$,'s going to cost a fortune.

Well, what if you flipped that state of mind?

Money, $$$, cash...I'm going to make some!

Picture 6

It's time to empty those toy bins and closets to turn your unwanteds to cash!  Get yourself prepared for back to school time and line your pockets with easy money by consigning with Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.

As a consignor you will be relieved to know the following:
  • Rhea Lana of South Tulsa gaurantees the items you tag in store.  That was a big selling point for me. If for some reason an item gets lost or stolen, you are gauranteed to be paid for that item.  You can trust that your items are safe while at the sale.
  • Only high quality items are allowed in the sale.  No clothing that smells of smoke, stained, or holey makes it into the sale.  Therefore, higher end shoppers love this sale and buys your stuff!
  • You have access to LIVE sales through the website or app.  Basically, you get to know what you are making at any given point during the sale.
  • Consignors pay a low $8 fee (taken out of your check), and make 70% of your sale price.  If you want more back, check here on how to do that!
  • You get your check on pick up day.  No waiting around for it to be mailed to your house.  That's instant gratification!
  • If you should choose to volunteer and meet new mommies, click here.  Maybe I should mention that you will walk out away with new friends AND $10 in Rhea Lana Bucks to be used at the sale!!!
Now that you have the fire lit under you to make some money, here's the info on how to make the most money for yourself.  If you are looking for the biggest bucks go straight for your kids' toys.  Those are always the first to sell.  Don't be afraid to discount them to half price.  If, for some reason, they don't sell immediately at full price, they will sell first on half price day.  Plus, you don't want that stuff coming back in your house, right?  After all, you just cleared it out.

Okay, you're done sorting through the toys.  Now, it's time to go big.  Strollers, pack-n-plays, bassinetts, car seats, exersaucers, play mats, furniture, it all sells fast!  There's no better way to make room in your house than ridding it of big items.  You'll also be thankful to have the space and make money off your big ticket item. 

Gently used clothing and shoes do well too!  Get to sorting items by size and gender. 

Who knew making money could be so simple?  Not to mention you can turn around the shop the sale later on for even better savings on back to school clothes and shoes.  We may be doing uniforms this year, but guess what??? Rhea Lana of South Tulsa will have a uniform rack!  Be on the lookout for that one...or not.  Better save that rack for me :)

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