Monday, July 22, 2013

Menu Monday

When I pause.  When I take a moment.  When I stop and take it in, I see it.  I see time that I cannot stop.  I see life changing.  I look at my husband and see gray hairs that definitely weren't there 16 years ago.  I stroke Little Miss' hand as I sing her bedtime song, and it's not a baby hand anymore.  Chubby Cheekers climbs and talks, and I see he's not an infant anymore.  Little Man makes his own breakfast in the morning, and I know it's the beginning of his independence from me.  I'm going to be real honest, I love the stages of my kids lives, but I mourn what has passed.

{My best attempt of photog-ing the offspring}

This past week I have done a lot of reflection.  Have I used the time with my kids wisely?  Have I focused my energy on what's truly important?  Did I listen to what was important to them?  Did I make them feel important?  Am I helping them grow the spirit within them that God gave them?  Am I helping them realize their purpose?

Can you see my head has been spinning?  I'm thankful for times of reflection and change.  I never want to be settled in my relationship with my husband or children.  So pardon me as I figure these things out and spew my thoughts on this blog.  I know you are all so thankful for my newest level of craziness so you can feel more of a normalcy in your own life.  I get why you come.  It's okay.

For those of you who are already over my deep thoughts, here's my menu...

Monday-Enchilada Lasagna and Corn on the Cob
Tuesday-Southwest Chopped Chicken Salad, Honey Buttered Biscuits
Wednesday-Baked Fajitas and Salad
Thursday-Hamburgers, Chips and Salsa
Friday-Oven Baked Chicken, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Saturday-Sandwiches, Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup
Sunday-DATE NIGHT!!!! 

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