Monday, July 29, 2013

Menu Monday

Hey, hey, hey!  August begins this week and you know what that means... ARBONNE'S 30 DAYS TO FIT DETOX round 2!

Our first 'clean up' was in April and this is our 2nd go round.  Although I know we won't be absolutely perfect (we have a fun adult only weekend in Dallas in the middle of the month), we are striving for better health always.  Being super strict on our diet and giving our livers a break from, well, junk is welcomed.  It's really not too late for you to join us.  I know it's been on your mind.  You can do this, and you will thank me later for suggesting it for you.

As for my menus, they will look a little bit different beginning August 1st.  Even if you aren't incorporating Arbonne shakes...or Mommy Crack (fizz sticks)...or Craving Curbers (fit chews), you can still clean up your eating and reap some benefits.

Here's my menu...

Monday-BBQ Shredded Chicken Sandwiches, Watermelon, Broccoli and Cheese
Tuesday-Whole Roasted Chicken, Green Beans, Cheesy Biscuits
Wednesday-Enchilada Lasagna, Salad, Watermelon (we have a ton!)
Thursday-Lettuce Wrapped Chicken Tacos, Chips and Homemade Guacamole/Salsa
Friday-Turkey Burgers served on Lettuce, Sweet Potato Fries, Zucchini Tots (omit cheese and use brown rice bread crumb...made from home)
Saturday-Rice Cakes topped with Almond Butter/Strawberries, Greens Salad with EVOO and freshly squeezed lime, cracked pepper and sea salt, Berry Salad
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's (thankful for a detoxin' Mama!)

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